How to Find Viral Social Media Content How To Find Content For Your Next Viral Post

How To Find Content For Your Next Find Viral Social Media Content

We spoke a little bit about
what makes quality content. I’ve been producing content
for a couple years now with this podcast. We’re building our audience slowly. But we haven’t paid anything
that’s gotten really fiery, except for maybe that Illuminati picture
with Tim and I. That one went pretty viral. Yeah. Well, talk a little bit
about the kind of content that you need to create
that has that chance to be shared and engaged with. Like what are you aiming to do
with that content? Yes. We want our content
to be polarizing. So, we really want to make sure that
we drive an emotional state in somebody where they want to take an action.

Well, think about this. When you’re in pain,
you’re more driven to take an action. When you’re in extreme excitement
or joy or just you feel happy or maybe you get done
drinking coffee in the morning or whatever you do for energy— my point is we desire to be in certain
emotional states to take an action, even though if those emotional states
are on micro or macro level. So, to be clear,
if we have a polarizing piece of content, most people,
they have absolute shit content. They ask general questions
when they write their captions and expect people to comment back. It literally tell people
to share it or they— in their content itself, they have like 5 to 10 second intros
of their brand logo. And the people don’t give
a shit about that. The average threshold of time
that’s given to each post on the newsfeed, I learned this from Brian Meert,
the owner of AdvertiseMint, there’s a total of 1.8 seconds. So, we find that content that either
rapidly flashes every 1.5 seconds or so and has an audio voice over to it.

That’s highly effective. But when I say polarizing content,
I mean people wants to be clear. People want to agree with something
or they want to disagree with something to confirm who they are
and what they are that they want to identify with something, but they need to be in an emotional state
that drives them to agree or disagree. Otherwise, they could see something
and just be like, “Huh. Yeah, that’s cool.” Once again,
if a polarizing statement comes, let’s say that I believe that
having a home is an asset. Let’s say I believe
that buying a home is an asset. I market with Anik Singal
and Robert Kiyosaki through Anik and having the “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” brand
to market, you have some highly polarizing statements
that you can use. Anytime we ever tell people
that buying a home is a liability and the costs that come with that
and we compare it to renting, people who rent
come onto the post and agree, people who bought, disagree, and they both explain
and confirm their bias for why they also see it that way in the way they understand
the world to be.

Everybody has their own internal model. If you just kind of throw
statements out there that create agreement
or disagreement, and once again, they drive somebody
to be in a particular emotion, that’s where they’re going to have
a higher engagement rate than normal. But to be clear, I mean high productions
like investing in nice cameras and investing in stuff behind the scenes
to edit the content the right way, and more importantly than anything, just go towards the people
who already have large brands, large engagement rates,
and just repeat successful actions.

Don’t try to recreate the wheel. See what’s already working. Yeah. I remember seeing
a Dan Lok video for the first time, probably six months ago
and there was something about his— you know, he’s a harsh guy. I think that’s what it was. It was that willingness to come in
and be like, “Hey, you’re lazy, you’re fat.”
I won’t try the accent. But in all sort of
like confrontational attitude, it’s sort of like that Gordon Ramsay
in a way, right? He’s not going to suffer fools and he’s not here to give you excuses
or anything like that.

His whole persona
must be fun to work with. It is. And keep in mind,
it’s also great to market because he’s probably
one of the only clients that gets implementing
psychological principles at scale. Okay? So, working with Dan has been
one of the funniest things for me. When I came into his business,
he was doing around $500,000 a month. We scaled up to
over $2.5 million a month. I came in in late April or early May. Of course, a big help of a team,
once again. There are a lot of key players
in the company and they’re doing all the different things
to contribute to the system itself. But Dan himself, extremely smart guy. And correct, he plays a character. So, of your personality brand,
it’s very important to remember. Dan, if you meet him in real life, it’s the same way you’re going to see him
in his content.

That’s his personality. But to be clear,
he’s confident and certain in who he is and he knows that’s authentic and so he’s able to put that out there
in the world at scale. A lot of people
have internal limiting beliefs that they don’t recognize
are what’s holding them back from being who they truly are
on the Internet and scaling that
to get a lot of attention. You find that as you spend more money
on scaling your content, usually, and this isn’t a projection,
this is an observation from working with several personality brands
and businesses in my time. The person who is the character, they truly have to be somebody
who’s constantly acknowledging that different principles of who they are,
are going to be put out there at scale. Different beliefs they have
are going to be put out there at scale. People will disagree with them at scale,
people will agree with them at scale.

And a lot of people
have an issue with that. So, that can hold people back
on getting their true self and content but Dan’s very confident in who he is,
what he is, and what he knows. – So, that helps a lot.
– That’s very interesting. So, a lot of people coming to Vegas
in the show, there are just going to be
a lot of marketers. There’s going to be affiliates, there’s going to be
people building agencies, there’s going to be a lot
of ecommerce people as well because the second day of courses
is very ecommerce-focused. So, I want us to talk about
a couple things.

Obviously, these tactics
can be used for any source….


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